Sunday 31 January 2010

Selina told me to...

...and I agree with her.

I have an itch that's been scratching up the back of my throat, twitching in my toes and making my mind throb with yearning. It's been there for years and I've continued to put it neatly away, all wrapped and labeled for release at an indeterminate date in the future.

I can't keep on putting it away. If I do the unresolved longing will turn my dream sour and my heart bitter. This is not a gamble I wish to carry on taking.

There I was on Saturday, bemoaning the business I've been running for the last four years and how it really and truly is coming to the end of the line for me and it, when Selina - my great ball of energy and problem solving career angel and good friend - made me make a promise: The place I crave and have craved for all this time needs to become real. The itch must be scratched and the heart and mind set free again.

I must begin making the steps that will take me to the States - in actual fact and more specifically I need to get myself down to the Deep and murky, hot and heavy, roiled up moiled up South.

And the journey begins here.